Search results for: advertiser

149 results for 'advertiser'
Marketing Strategies

RAIC Insights: Best Practices from Savings United

The Rakuten Advertising International Collective (RAIC) aims to showcase the strategies and steps to elevate your affiliate thinking, giving you the tools to outthink the market and deliver campaigns that outperform for your business. In our latest post, Matheus Campos, Senior Partnerships Manager at Savings United, outlines the best practices for working with different publisher models.
Rafael Bonfa - member of the Rakuten Advertising International Collective
Marketing Strategies

RAIC Insights: Demonstrating how a strong and profitable affiliate programme delivers brand goals

The Rakuten Advertising International Collective (RAIC) aims to showcase the strategies and steps to elevate your affiliate thinking. In our latest post, Rafael Bonfa, Senior Performance and Affiliate Manager, US and Brazil at Aliexpress, outlines how to get c-suite buy-in for affiliate marketing.
Female millennial marketer with laptop using GA4 and affiliate marketing
Marketing Strategies

GA4 and Affiliate Marketing: How to Navigate Changing Attribution

Uncover the seismic shift in analytics as GA4 takes the stage, altering the game for the affiliate marketing industry. Our latest blog post explores the repercussions of GA4's move from a last-click to a data-driven attribution model. Discover how Rakuten Advertising navigates these changes, offering reliable methodologies, additional tools, and collaborative solutions.

Rakuten Advertising Appoints New Leadership

Rakuten Advertising is proud to announce that Rakhee Jogia has been appointed to the International Managing Director's role.
An image of two women looking at paperwork

Q1 Affiliate Product Updates

Rakuten Advertising has released some exciting affiliate product updates throughout Q1 to enhance visibility and performance for both advertisers and publishers. Today we explore the benefits of our newly released affiliate products and updates.

Rakuten Advertising Wins Big at the GPMAs 

Twenty-five years ago, Rakuten Advertising were the pioneers leading the way in a new landscape of digital advertising. We broke new ground with affiliate. We outperformed in programmatic and influencer marketing. And we did it globally.  

Unveiling CTVision+: The Ultimate CTV Content Marketplace for Europe

Ready to revolutionise your CTV advertising game? CTVision+ is live in the UK, bringing you immediate reach across a curated ecosystem of premium publishers — no more fragmentation, just streamlined success for your advertising. CTVision+ is your key to European streamers. Let's get into it. 
Publisher Spotlight: Linkby - Agency Growth Manager Brittany Raymond

Publisher Spotlight: Linkby

Rakuten Advertising’s latest Publisher Spotlight features Linkby and their Agency Growth Manager, Brittany Raymond. Read Now!
IAB Europe Logo

Guide: the CTV’s programmatic opportunity

We have recently collaborated with the IAB Europe – the European-level association for the digital marketing and advertising ecosystem – on its new guide 'The Programmatic CTV Opportunity in Europe'.

Rakuten Advertising Launch RAIC

Today, Rakuten Advertising are proud to launch the Rakuten Advertising International Collective (RAIC).
Marketing Strategies

Consumer Study: The Power of Context

The effectiveness of advertising on streaming services has never been more potent, as demonstrated by the latest global research by Rakuten Advertising into viewer behaviours.
Marketing Strategies

Masters of CTV: Maribel Vivancos

In this series we celebrate the people who work with CTV daily, sharing best practices in CTV advertising to help you outthink and outperform. In this interview Maribel Vivancos, the Director at Finecast, Spain delves into why CTV is the ultimate channel for optimal targeting in your campaigns.