Search results for: digital marketing

49 results for 'digital marketing'
Marketing Strategies

5 reasons for Choosing Connected TV’s Dynamic Advertising Solutions

In today’s ever-evolving digital landscape, CTV advertising is continuing to gain significant traction with its dynamic and responsive capabilities. Below we explore five compelling key reasons why brands are increasingly embracing CTV as their go-to advertising channel.

CTVisionaries Episode 4: CTV’s potential as a performance channel

CTV’s potential as a performance channel is re-writing the rules of a dynamic audience experience. Discover why in our fourth episode of CTVisionaries.

Rakuten Advertising Wins at the PMAs

Rakuten Advertising is pleased to share that on Tuesday, the 25th of August we were voted the Publisher's Choice of Network at the Performance Marketing Awards.
Marketing Strategies

Publisher Showcase: UpSellit

Our Publisher Showcase highlights an innovative publisher from the Rakuten Advertising Affiliate Network. This week we sat down with Anthony Villegas Director of Marketing at UpSellit.
Female millennial marketer with laptop using GA4 and affiliate marketing
Marketing Strategies

GA4 and Affiliate Marketing: How to Navigate Changing Attribution

Uncover the seismic shift in analytics as GA4 takes the stage, altering the game for the affiliate marketing industry. Our latest blog post explores the repercussions of GA4's move from a last-click to a data-driven attribution model. Discover how Rakuten Advertising navigates these changes, offering reliable methodologies, additional tools, and collaborative solutions.

CTVisionaries Episode 3: Overcoming Obstacles

It’s time to address the current obstacles preventing agencies and brands from capitalising on the CTV opportunity. In episode 3 of CTVisionaries, our experts discuss the barriers and provide the solutions you need.
Marketing Strategies

CTVisionaries Episode 6: The evolution of ad experience on CTV

In the final episode of CTVisionaries, our experts equip you with the knowledge to elevate your CTV strategy by nailing the ad experience.
Marketing Strategies

RAIC Insights: The Importance of a Marketing Strategy for Publishers

Last month we launched A 5-Stage Blueprint for High-Performance Affiliate Marketing using insights from publishers and advertisers in the Rakuten Advertising International Collective (RAIC).  The blueprint demonstrates the importance of affiliate marketing as a strategic digital channel, and for publishers, showcases how they can add value and increase monetisation opportunities.
Marketing Strategies

Introducing CTVisionaries

The Connected TV (CTV) industry has revolutionised the way we consume television and video content. With the rise of streaming services and advancements in technology, CTV has become a dominant force in the media landscape.
Marketing Strategies

Transforming compliance for financial services

With the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating interest in online banking and financial product brands in the financial services industry are spending more on digital advertising than ever.

Rakuten Advertising Wins Big at the GPMAs 

Twenty-five years ago, Rakuten Advertising were the pioneers leading the way in a new landscape of digital advertising. We broke new ground with affiliate. We outperformed in programmatic and influencer marketing. And we did it globally.  
IAB Europe Logo

Guide: the CTV’s programmatic opportunity

We have recently collaborated with the IAB Europe – the European-level association for the digital marketing and advertising ecosystem – on its new guide 'The Programmatic CTV Opportunity in Europe'.