Publisher Spotlight: Josephine Nieh, 55Haitao

Publisher Spotlight: 55Haitao

55Haitao is China's largest loyalty publisher, and their offering goes beyond cashback. Read our latest spotlight and hear first-hand how 55Haitao is helping brands enhance their value proposition and achieve incrementality through strategic approaches.
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Rakuten Advertising Appoints New Leadership

Rakuten Advertising is proud to announce that Rakhee Jogia has been appointed to the International Managing Director's role.
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Navigating a Cookieless World

While cookie deprecation brings new challenges, it also creates an opportunity for brands to regain consumer trust. Now is the time for the industry to band together to create better ads and use marketing strategies that enhance the online experience.
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Marketing Strategies

New and Diverse Publisher Models for 2022

Get ready for the future of affiliate! Our channel is now more strategically significant than ever, thanks in part to a range of new and diverse publisher models. Our Rakuten Advertising Publisher Development team is excited to share their insights on the new publisher models that are set to drive success. Stay ahead of the curve and read on!
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Google Spam Update: Man and daughter shop online using a credit card

Google Spam Update and Its Impact on Affiliate Marketing

The recent update to Google’s Site Reputation Abuse Policy is set to shake up how consumers interact and engage with Voucher and Coupon sites. In this post, we examine the changes and their impact on affiliate marketing.
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White person sits at a computer desk, dunking a shortbread cookie into a cup of English breakfast tea

Google’s reversal on deprecating third-party cookies

While Google’s shift may raise concerns about affiliate marketing, the good news is that it has no impact on Rakuten Advertising’s affiliate tracking technology or the tracking capabilities of our network and partners. Our tracking solutions are built to be robust, effective, and reliable, adapting seamlessly to environmental changes such as these.
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Rakuten Advertising named #1 Affiliate Network

Rakuten Advertising Named Best Affiliate Network by mThink for 10th  Consecutive Year, Marking a Decade as the Chosen Performance Marketing Leader.
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2021 Performance Marketing Trends

2020 has seen e-commerce accelerate with more consumers and brands turning to online shopping during lockdown. With high-street, closed people who previously hadn’t shopped online are now more comfortable making purchases, and smaller retailers have had no choice but to turn to e-commerce.
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European Golden Link Awards 2022

Rewarding excellence and innovation across our European network, our Golden Link Awards have become a key event and celebration for our affiliate network.
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Marketing Strategies

Time to Fix Your Buying Funnel #3: The Funky Hourglass Funnel

This is the third post in our “Time to Fix Your Funnel” series that identifies ways to help partnership marketers improve program performance. In the competitive world of affiliate advertising, a brand's success hinges on a program that guides customers seamlessly from awareness to purchase.
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DealMaker Europe 2022 Highlights

On 9th June 2022, we were thrilled to return to The Brewery for DealMaker Europe 2022 – a day of insights, innovation and of course, networking and deal-making.
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New Report – Affiliate: The Resilient Revenue Driver

While the past few years may not have been the most stable trading conditions – and uncertainty looking set to continue - one thing that’s been demonstrated is the ability of affiliate marketing to deliver reliable revenue to advertisers and publishers.
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